Friday, February 17, 2012

A time and place for everything.

I feel like I complain a lot. I also feel like my blog is place for transparency. I feel this way because I hate reading blog posts from people who seem to "have it all together" and have the perfect life with perfect kids and a perfect job and they never have bad hair days or lock their keys in their car. I can't relate to those types of bloggers because that isn't real life. That being said... I have to just be honest here for a second and say that I am struggling. I have posted a couple of times before about being single and the effects of my life because of that(see this post, or this one, or even this one) okay... so maybe I talk about it a lot. It sure seems that way lately. The thoughts have been consuming my mind and I just want to openly share that with you guys today. As I have mentioned before, I do not WANT to be married right now or in the next year by any means... sometimes it just gets to me that I don't have anyone. I try to remember the verse in the Bible that says in Romans 12:2-
Do not conform to the patterns of this world, 
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--
His good, pleasing, and perfect will. 

It is the culture we live in that tells a person they have to be in a relationship to be happy, and while I know that is the case... I still find myself being sucked into this lie all the time and it is such a huge distraction in my life. 
We had a much needed girls night at our friend Sharee's house last night. We put hot oil treatments in our hair and sat in the sauna, and then did face masks and just sat around talking about what we miss about Alabama and it was so fun and reminded me why I love getting to hang out with just girls and having no obligation to a boy or anything. I love having girl friends to sit and talk with about silly stuff. Today, on top of struggling with the dumb want for a boyfriend... I miss my girl friends back home in Alabama and I miss girl talk and "stalking" people and "stealing" our friends' cars and having dance parties or marshmallow fights at the church at 3 AM. I miss having the option to get out of the house and go do a million different things with a million different people if I wanted to. I miss seeing familiar faces in town... Today I just miss home. 

My friend Sharee prayed with me in the sauna last night about these inward struggles going on in my brain and I really feel like it helped tons. I am still thinking about it and it's still a distraction in my life, but hearing about some things she has been going through lately and how God spoke to her heart and gave her peace about her situation, gave me hope and reminded me that God is still God and He is still good. No matter what "worldly" desires I may have, God still has the controls and none of this is a surprise to Him. I am so thankful for that and so thankful for friends He has placed in my path here that allow the Lord to speak through them to help ease my mind. Thank you, Jesus! You are so infinitely good to me and I do not deserve it in the slightest. 

In lieu of my love for the Savior of the universe and His promise of a new tomorrow I am linking up with Whispering Sweet Nothings for It's Friday and I'm in Love! An all things goes, no strings attached, weekend-long link up!  


  1. Thanks for being transparent. God is so good, and even though he doesn't always remove the struggle, he brings encouragement, joy, etc. when we lay it down at his feet. I said a quick prayer for you.

  2. Hang in there. I was single for a lot of years before I met my husband. I had the same feelings. But I look back at all the memories I made while I was single and don't regret them....actually I thank God for them all the time, even if at the moment I couldn't see how great those moments were and how important they were to my life journey.


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