Thursday, March 8, 2012

Life on a Mission: Guest Post

My blog is titled:
A Day in the Life of a Crash Team Member
But what does that mean in my life? 

Today I am guest posting on 
The Williams' Post

So, click on over to read about things that are, in my opinion, the easy and hard things about "Living Life on a Mission."
And while you are at it, go visit Kerrie's store: missionary kerrie's for some super cool clutch purses/iPad cases HAND SEWN by Kerrie to support her(and her husband's) trip to India! 
(Yes, in case you were wondering... the same India trip I will be taking!)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March Sponsor!

Okay, so this past month or so I have met SO many awesome fellow blogging ladies. I think that is one of the MAIN reasons I even blog. This post is centered on a new friend I have made in the "blog world."

 Her name is Elizabeth and she blogs over at

Here is a little tidbit about Elizabeth and her blog!

{About Me} Hey everyone! My name is Elizabeth and I’m a 20-something senior college student. I’m new to blogging, so I’m still getting the hang of this…but I love writing, trying new things and saving money (who doesn’t, right?) I’m obsessed with organizing, drinking coffee and listening to country music. I have a newfound love for the outdoors, old movies, crafting and cooking. I’m a yoga enthusiast and have just recently started Pilates (which I love!).
{About My Blog} After the summer of 2011 I found myself with an overwhelming number of credits to take my final year of college so I had to quit my job of 2+ years. Although I had spent my entire summer working and taking classes, I still found time to shop, vacation and spend way too much money. At the end of the summer I was hit with a wake up call -- despite all the hours I had put in at work, my bank account was devastatingly low. I realized I couldn't spend like I had been any longer.
Now I’m finding it more important than ever to save money. I thought that by starting my blog, I could share my tips and tricks I've developed and learned along the way to help others who were living on a budget, or just trying to save a buck or two here and there! I am by no means an expert (I'm studying history and then going on to grad school to be a teacher), but I have developed and adapted a lot of tricks that work for me. I also want to offer a few health, beauty, fitness and other tips as well! Come visit me at Fearless & Frugal and bear with me while I get started! :)

I love reading Elizabeth's blog, because I can totally relate to the things she blogs about, and to me that is so important when it comes to choosing which blogs I read. I also love that she is so genuine about her struggles with being a young woman and college student who doesn't have it all figured out! Click over to her blog and show her some blog lovin'!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Lucky me!

So, I have been winning giveaways from blogs like CRAZY lately... and I don't know what it is that makes me so lucky haha! While I was home for Christmas, I won a giveaway for an AWESOME hand swen phone cover from The Williams Post, a few weeks ago I won a Blog Critique E-book from Whispering Sweet Nothings, and this week I won a Cuppow from Long Distance Neighbors!

What is a Cuppow, you ask? Something that gives me just another excuse to buy mason jars at thrift stores!
See for yourself:
It's this awesome lid that goes on the top of mason jars to turn the jar into a travel mug! I LOVE my travel mug and I'm excited to have this to broaden my travel mug horizons!

So, if you ever want to win a giveaway on a blog... just let me enter for you, because I always win! Ha! Okay, not really. BUT, I have won every [blog] giveaway I have ever entered. That's pretty good odds, right?

ALSO, I got word that I start my new job officially on March 14! I have my first employee meeting on the 10 and my first shift is that Wednesday after! I'm so excited to have my own money and to be able to have a budget and be able to do more outreach and ministry things because I will have money to spare!

Brooke, one of my best friends who I wrote about a few blog posts back(here), is coming to Oregon to stay for a while this Tuesday and I AM SO EXCITED! It will be so refreshing to have someone here who I can relate to and talk to and hang out with. I can't wait!

Have an awesome weekend, lovely friends! 

It's Friday, I'm in love!
Happy Friday, friends!

While you're over at Whispering Sweet Nothings to check out the link up... check out her Pinterest contest as well! It's pretty awesome!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Where have I been?

Have you missed me? 

I have been totally absent from the blogging scene lately... and that includes reading the blogs I keep up with as well. I am partially to blame for this, but most of the blame goes to a ferocious stomach virus that attacked our house over the weekend and the first of the week. Deci started on Saturday followed by Audrey on Saturday night. Journey ended up sick by 3:30 Sunday morning and I woke up sick on Monday. Today is the first day I feel normal since then, although my stomach is still a little uneasy. On top of that, my business class ended this week so I had that final to study for. I had a test on Buddhism in World Religion due, as well. Also, I am working on the Crash newsletter for the month of February (whew! That sounds like I am a lot busier than I feel!) So, needless to say, blogging has been the farthest thing from my mind this week, but I am ready to get back on track!

So, a few praise reports this week! 
I've been learning a lesson on patience and waiting on/trusting the Lord this week.
Those of you who know me personally or who have been reading my blog for a while know that I have been searching for a job since August to no avail. I have had interviews and such, but no job offers and it was beginning to get frustrating. Have you ever felt like you are praying and praying and God is just sitting up there twiddling His thumbs(His mighty big thumbs, if I had to guess)? I HATE to admit that is how I had been feeling. A few posts back, I talked about how I had an interview at my favorite frozen yogurt place (Vanilla Jill's) and then later on how they called me in for a second interview. Well, I received an email Sunday evening saying I HAVE BEEN HIRED! I know, I know, it's about time! That's what I felt like I was saying to God as I thanked Him for answering my prayers! I felt so silly afterwards for not fully trusting in Him 1000%. I am so thankful to serve a God who sees my life in eternity when I am faced with the curse of only seeing the "right now." 

Another way the Lord has reminded me He is in control is through my India mission trip planned for January 2013. My $500 deposit is due this week(which I was going to have to mail in 2 days before in full in order for it to arrive on time) and as of Saturday I did not even have half of the money. I had already had the conversation with Kerrie(she's in charge of the trip) about getting my money back if I wasn't able to finish paying the deposit. Well, Saturday morning came along and I went to a conference on leadership. Sitting next to me was a guy that has joined us in our ministry here in Oregon who wrote me a check for $100. Next thing I know, my friend Alec is giving me money he already owed me for a knit hat I made him. He keeps throwing(literally) cash my way and it ends up totaling $39. So, at this point I needed only around $50 more to reach my deposit and an anonymous donor gave me $100 more! Which put me $42 OVER the deposit amount of $500! (I had a check already on it's way for $100 from Kerrie's dad as well) I was able to send the money into TREC, International in time for the money to arrive before the deadline! 
Isn't our God amazing?! 
It's taken these small reminders from Him for me to remember that I am safe in His arms. Always. I don't have to worry with tomorrow or even yesterday anymore. 

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" 
Luke 12:25

"Do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what the day will bring." Proverbs 27:1

Thank You, Jesus for Your promise to never forsake me... that You wish to give me a future and a hope, and as long as I trust in You and seek Your face, I don't have to worry about what that looks like because You are writing my story. And thank You  for always being faithful and answering my prayers even though I am less than faithful on a daily basis.