the crash mission.

The Crash Mission started with the group of people above moving from Alabama to Oregon with a dream of planting a church. It exists as an organization (which will hopefully be Non-Profit soon) that trains leaders to partner or start church plants in the least churched areas of the country and world. The first targeted area is Eugene, Oregon, where they expect to be for the next 3-5 years (give or take) so submerse themselves in the culture, meet and love on people, build relationships, make connections, and hopefully get a church up and running. Once the church is self-sufficient, some of them may stay, while others will split off and join other groups like the one in Eugene in other parts of the country or world to start the process all over again. This is hopefully going to result in the Gospel going to the ends of the world and the reputation of Christians everywhere to be changed for the better. We long to see people living out their Christian faith the way the Lord would have it. 
I joined The Crash in August 2011 when I moved to Eugene to join the team. I have since returned to Alabama, but I continue to consider myself a part of the team in prayer and support.

You can visit The Crash Facebook page HERE.

The Crash Mission has founded a missional outpost in the Whiteaker neighborhood of downtown Eugene called The Beautiful Mess. Check out the website HERE.