Friday, January 13, 2012

What a beautiful day.

The title of this post is definitely misleading on the way the weather is here in Oregon today. It is cold... around 25 degrees (so says my super smart phone) with a "Significant Weather Alert" calling for snow and far from sunny. Not a day I would pick to have a picnic outside. BUT, it is a beautiful day that the Lord has made! For some reason I have had that phrase stuck in my heart this morning and wanted to share with you guys.

I also want to tell anyone who reads this that doesn't have an account that will allow you to "follow" my blog and wants to continue reading my new posts to either subscribe via email so you will get an email when I post a new blog or just bookmark this page in your browser and check back in frequently. I will not be posting every link to Facebook because a lot of my other friends have blogs as well and I don't want to drive people crazy with my link posts to a blog that is less than great.... So, that being said, if you DO have a Google Blogger account you can just become a member of my page and keep up with my updates that way :) I will continue to post links to Facebook on occasion, depending on the content of the blog. I just don't want anyone to be left out of the loop that wants to read this! Not that many people do, I mean we all have busy lives right? Right.

One more thing! I LOVE COMMENTS. If you have any thoughts on my posts or things you want to add or know about what is happening here in Oregon or anything at all... comment away! I love to read them :)

Have a great day! 
Love, Breanna 

But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved.
Ephesians 2:4-5


  1. A. we do want you to post them on facebook.
    B. are you saying its annoying when I do that? haha j/k
    C. Your blog posts are GOOD.
    D. I want to read every thing you post! (Good think I follow on GFC!)
    E. Te Amo!

  2. Haha I didn't mean that your link posts are annoying! Before I got smart and bookmarked your blog page I relied on your links to read them! I just don't want people to get annoyed with me and you and Audrey and Q posting blog links all the time! Also... te amo y te extraño tu, mi amigo. Ven a visitarnos! Not sure on the translation of that last part... I used my Spanish book and tried to do it correctly lol


blog love