Friday, February 24, 2012

Let's Review.

What's been happening in my life lately, you ask? I'm so glad you are wondering, because I would love to tell you!
Lately, I have relapsed in my Pinterest addiction. Sad, I know. I was doing SO good for a while. But, this is my FAVORITE Pinterest find of the week:

Okay, I love Adele as much as the next person. But come on, this is funny stuff. (via.)

Also this week, I found an AWESOME new blog to read and met a new friend (okay, we met through email, that counts, right?) named Haley. Her blog is called Divine Dating and it has been totally relevant to my life right now. I highly recommend it to single women of any age. I know you will find encouragement and strength from the things Haley posts about.The Lord speaks through her and He is using her blog for great things! I am so glad I connected with her!

Last night we had a mini girls night at Sharee's. We watched One Day with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess.

First things first, I am not a fan of Anne Hathaway at all, but I love Jim Sturgess dearly (I am slightly in love with his character in Across the Universe, even more so if he didn't smoke so much weed in the movie haha!) ANYWAYS, even though I don't like Anne, I suggested we get the movie because some friends of mine liked it. Long story short... woah, do not waste your money on this movie. Such a sad movie in a few different ways. I won't say much about it, because it would give away important plot points, and I may not have talked some of you out of seeing the movie. It was definitely chick flickish, but not something I would recommend when feeling down and out, it's not really a "feel good" chick flick. *Steps off soap box*

My bible verse of the week this week is a very well known verse, but it has been such a welcoming reminder in my life lately.
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
(Psalms 139:14)

I encourage anyone who struggles with identity or self esteem issues to write this truth on sticky notes/index cards and put them every where... in your car, write it on your bathroom mirror, your desk at work, MEMORIZE this verse and keep it in your heart. It serves as an encouragement to my heart when I am feeling superficial and getting caught up in how the world sees beauty.

I will leave you with a link to a song that has been on my heart this week. It's literally been coming up everywhere. Even when I have iTunes on shuffle, the song comes up way more often than it should. Pay no attention to the weird slides and the (few) lyric mess ups, just listen to the words of the song and sit at the feet of Jesus.

It's Friday, I'm in Love!
Link Up Party

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I have been trying super hard to keep in contact with people in Alabama. Being across the country it is so hard to continue relationships that were so easy to maintain while in the same state. 
I have been dealing with some stuff lately and my friends in Alabama have really stepped up and had my back. It's so comforting to know I have friends I can count on for anything any time of day even though we don't see each other like we used to! 
I have also reconnected with some old friends from high school recently. This has inspired me to look through old pictures of the "good ole days" 
Thought I would share some old memories!
I love all of you girls MUCHO!
I thank God for you all EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Thanks so much for always being there for me, even though I like to ramble and complain a lot.
I couldn't ask for better friends! ♥

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Psalms to live by.

I bought this book at a bookstore the other day called Lady In Waiting: "Becoming God's Best While Waiting for Mr. Right" and have been using it as a devotional type study. So far, I love it! I encourage every single woman-young or old-to read it.

Yesterday and today I have been working on the challenge to read through the book of Psalms in the Old Testament and underline/circle the words "trust" and "rely upon" every time they appear(which just so happens to be A LOT). I could just skim through, since I have read the Pslams before, but instead, I decided to actually read every word out loud while I search for those keywords of "trust" and "rely upon." While reading this morning, I stumbled across this section of Psalms 119 (verses 9-16) that I have read a thousand times it seems, but it really hit home with me today, and in making this my prayer today, I wanted to share it with you guys as well!

How can a young man(woman) keep his way pure?
By living according to your word.
I seek you with all my heart;
do not let me stray from your commands.
I have hidden your word in my heart 
that I might not sin against you.
Praise be to you, O LORD;
teach me your decrees.
With my lips I recount
all the laws that come from your mouth.
I rejoice in following your statutes
as one rejoices in great riches.
I meditate on your precepts
and consider your ways.
I delight in your decrees; 
I will not neglect your word. 

P.S. I won a giveaway for a Blog Critique e-book today! So I may be making some major blog renovations in the coming days! Check out the blog I won the giveaway at! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

life update.

Happy Sunday, folks! Hope you all have had a fantastic weekend! I didn't do much at all other than relax a little bit! 
So, I basically just wanted to update on things even though there isn't a great deal going on in my life right now. 
I still haven't heard from the job interview I had last Monday at Vanilla Jill's. Hoping I hear from them soon. Either way, I have plans to go out and apply at other places probably on Tuesday. 
School is getting ridiculous, and I am also in the middle of doing scholarship stuff for my transfer school (New Hope Christian College in Eugene.) 
(Me and Sharee in front of my future school!)
This week God is teaching me to have a softened heart. I am too negative about life and people in general. I am quick to anger and slow to show mercy and love. And I have to admit, I have a little problem with gossip, which can really hurt people. So, God is helping me overcome that problem. I have been reading Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller (which is coming out as a movie soon!) and he said that after he became a Christian he struggled with the fact that he wasn't "good" in God's eyes even though he seemed, to himself, to be quite good. He said he tried for one week to not say anything bad or negative in any way about a person and then he really realized how bad he really was. I have been challenging myself to write down every bad or negative thought I have... not so I can show people, but so I can realize just how bad I am in that area of my life. 
I hope this helps bring awareness to my hard heart.
I am selling knit hats and crocheted dishcloths for my India mission trip. Read my guest post from last week to find out more and to see pictures! There are also several ways you can donate to my trip: buy a hat or dishcloth, click the "Donate" button to the left of this post, go here to donate another place online, or stay tuned because I am about to start making super cool jewelry to sell as well!
Anyways, I also want to say thank you to all of my friends who are on this journey called life with me. I truly have an amazing support system, and I want you to know I am thankful for all of you!

*Hasta luego!

Friday, February 17, 2012

A time and place for everything.

I feel like I complain a lot. I also feel like my blog is place for transparency. I feel this way because I hate reading blog posts from people who seem to "have it all together" and have the perfect life with perfect kids and a perfect job and they never have bad hair days or lock their keys in their car. I can't relate to those types of bloggers because that isn't real life. That being said... I have to just be honest here for a second and say that I am struggling. I have posted a couple of times before about being single and the effects of my life because of that(see this post, or this one, or even this one) okay... so maybe I talk about it a lot. It sure seems that way lately. The thoughts have been consuming my mind and I just want to openly share that with you guys today. As I have mentioned before, I do not WANT to be married right now or in the next year by any means... sometimes it just gets to me that I don't have anyone. I try to remember the verse in the Bible that says in Romans 12:2-
Do not conform to the patterns of this world, 
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--
His good, pleasing, and perfect will. 

It is the culture we live in that tells a person they have to be in a relationship to be happy, and while I know that is the case... I still find myself being sucked into this lie all the time and it is such a huge distraction in my life. 
We had a much needed girls night at our friend Sharee's house last night. We put hot oil treatments in our hair and sat in the sauna, and then did face masks and just sat around talking about what we miss about Alabama and it was so fun and reminded me why I love getting to hang out with just girls and having no obligation to a boy or anything. I love having girl friends to sit and talk with about silly stuff. Today, on top of struggling with the dumb want for a boyfriend... I miss my girl friends back home in Alabama and I miss girl talk and "stalking" people and "stealing" our friends' cars and having dance parties or marshmallow fights at the church at 3 AM. I miss having the option to get out of the house and go do a million different things with a million different people if I wanted to. I miss seeing familiar faces in town... Today I just miss home. 

My friend Sharee prayed with me in the sauna last night about these inward struggles going on in my brain and I really feel like it helped tons. I am still thinking about it and it's still a distraction in my life, but hearing about some things she has been going through lately and how God spoke to her heart and gave her peace about her situation, gave me hope and reminded me that God is still God and He is still good. No matter what "worldly" desires I may have, God still has the controls and none of this is a surprise to Him. I am so thankful for that and so thankful for friends He has placed in my path here that allow the Lord to speak through them to help ease my mind. Thank you, Jesus! You are so infinitely good to me and I do not deserve it in the slightest. 

In lieu of my love for the Savior of the universe and His promise of a new tomorrow I am linking up with Whispering Sweet Nothings for It's Friday and I'm in Love! An all things goes, no strings attached, weekend-long link up!  

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Hap.

I titled this blog "The Hap" as in "The Happening" or AKA "What's been happening in my life since I posted last." I was trying a new hipster title name.... ANYWAYS!

I'm actually going to backtrack a little bit here to Saturday night. On Saturday, Audrey and Q had their Valentine's date night, so I babysat the girls. We ordered pizza for delivery and decided to set up our own "Valentine's Date Night" so to speak. So, Deci pulled out her little art table and cleaned it off, then she put a blanket on top for a tablecloth and got out plates and forks and cups and all to prepare for the "date." So sweet!

On Monday, I had a job interview at my FAVORITE frozen yogurt shop in the Eugene/Springfield area-Vanilla Jill's! I think the interview went well, and they are supposed to email me when to come back for a second interview... so fingers crossed!

Now back on track... on Valentine's morning, I wore my "All we need is LOVE" shirt (a hand-me-down from Holleigh!)

AND, I received a surprise valentine gift that I had NO idea about, and I have no clue who it was from(well, maybe I have an idea)! I have decided I am not going to ask around, because I love the mystery behind it! Audrey found it hidden in one of our kitchen cabinets on Tuesday morning. Made my day 12x better!

I also received an old fashion valentine with a Laffy Taffy(that I ate before taking a pic) from Holleigh and Alec, and a heart necklace from Raegan McKinney(I babysat her and Charger on Tuesday morning while their parents took the baby, Knox, to clinic about his heart defect-pray for them.)

The joke on the valentine says, "What kinds of birds always stick together? Vel Crows!" haha! 

Also on Tuesday, I sent out 36 support letters about my mission trip to India next January of which you can read about over here. I had to lick and seal 36 envelopes... so gross. On Tuesday night, I was invited to have dinner at my friends' house with them. I think they felt sorry for me, because I was going to spend the day alone in my room haha! Either way, it was really fun! We had an awesome dinner of steak, mashed potatoes, corn and green beans! We even had pink drink(yummy strawberry lemonade) in honor of Valentine's!

We ended the evening with frozen yogurt at Vanilla Jill's!

Yesterday consisted of watching Audrey get her hair colored, and then coloring it all over again last night! She will be posting a blog along with pictures about this adventure soon on her blog!
That is about all I have been up to this week. Please join me in praying that I get the job I interviewed for on Monday! Hope I didn't over use pictures in this post haha! 

♥Adios amigos! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to my lovely friends! 

I've been thinking back on old memories trying to think of my most memorable Valentine's Day and I have to say it was a few year ago, when I was in high school, I had knee surgery ON Valentine's Day! It wasn't too bad, and after the surgery my (then) boyfriend came over and brought me a HUGE bag full of chocolate and a card and sat with me while I was recovering. Definitely the most memorable in my mind.

Today I am babysitting 2 sweet children, spending time with Jesus, and later having a Valentine's dinner with some friends followed by frozen yogurt at my favorite place! I would love to hear about your Valentine's Day plans! While you're at it, tell me your most memorable Valentine's Day, as well! 

And Happy Valentine's Day to my only true love, Jesus!

For God so loved the world, that He gave his only son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life! -John 3:16

We love because He first loved us. -1 John 4:19

Monday, February 13, 2012

Just Visiting.

Today I am guest blogging over at Q&A. 
I am talking about my upcoming trip to India in January 2013! 
Click over to read about it!


Thanks a million!
Happy Monday!

Help me get to India in January 2013! Donate online here

Marriage Letter Monday: Patience

Remember a few weeks ago when I wrote a letter to my future husband? Well my friends Audrey and Quinton are joining with there friend Amber at The Run a Muck and her husband in an effort to preserve marriage by writing letters back and forth on their blogs every Monday. Since I am not married, I have decided to join in by writing to my future husband every once in a while. Click on my friends' names to read their letters to their spouses this week.

Wait for the Lord. Be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord.

Dear future husband of mine, 

Some days when I am looking on Facebook at all of my friends who are married or dating or something, I wonder "when is it gonna be my turn?" As I said in my last letter, I don't want to be married right now, but there is still this feeling of missing out or being left out when everyone else is enjoying being with their boyfriends/husbands especially with Valentine's Day being tomorrow! I don't like to be that cliched single person who hates Valentine's Day and all who celebrate it because of my singleness, but I do have to admit, it is slightly depressing. That's when I am reminded by God to be patient. I know that if I fully focus on the Lord and if you fully focus on the Lord, our paths will converge when the timing is right in God's eyes, not my eyes and not your eyes. Sometimes I wonder if I already know who you are, not if I know you're gonna be my  husband, but if we are friends or acquaintances or something. Is that silly? I don't want to rush into anything and to grow up to fast, I mean, my goodness the years of my life are already flying by at warp speed, I just need to focus all of my attention on God and being patient with His great and perfect plan for my life and your life and just be okay with waiting until the Lord feels that I am ready for a relationship. I just hope He doesn't wait until I am 30 or something, but if He does, I will just have to cross that bridge when I get to it, although, I am sure my mom will want grandkids before she is too old to play with them(no offense, Mother!) Speaking of mothers, I hope you have a nice one... as discussed earlier, I have a problem with patience! I also wanna add that I pray for you and who you are and who you are becoming often. I want our lives to reflect the love that Jesus has for us. I want our marriage to be one that shows people how Jesus loves the world. Last but not least, today I am praying that you will have patience with me. I can be a difficult person to get along with and I can be super negative about life sometimes, and sometimes I will just want my space. Please be patient with me on those days and in those moments, because even though I may say I don't want you around, I will always want that reassurance that you have my back no matter what.


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongdoing. 
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Hunger Games!

May the odds be ever in your favor!

The Hunger Games movie comes out on March 23 and I AM SO EXCITED!
I just finished the trilogy last night and can hardly contain my enthusiasm about the movie!!! I do have to admit, I have a huge expectation for the movie, but I should probably forget that right now. Tickets go on sale Feb. 22!

"What I need is the dandelion in the spring.
 The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. 
The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. 
That it can be good again." -Katniss Everdeen

Movie Review: The Vow

 Let me start by telling you the story of how our evening went before the movie started. So Friday night Audrey and I along with our friends Thania and Maribel went to see the new movie The Vow. Audrey had talked to Maribel the night before and we agreed to meet at the theater by our house at 7:30 even though the movie didn't start until 7:55, but after seeing what everyone was saying about the movie on Facebook yesterday, I was getting the feeling we should plan to get there earlier... but we stuck with 7:30. So Audrey and I left the house around 7:20 so we knew we would be there on time. At 7:28 we were pulling into the parking lot, so I texted Maribel and our conversation went a little like this:
Me: Hey! We are pulling into the theater parking lot right now... are you guys here yet?
Maribel: The movie starts at 7:55.
Me: Yes??? Audrey said we were supposed to meet at 7:30, were we not?
Maribel: Yes, I am on my way.
So after the confusion, Audrey and I walked into the mall that the theater is located in and went up to ask how full the theater was so we could order tickets if we needed to before they sold out. This is the conversation between Audrey and the ticket lady:
Audrey: How open is the theater for The Vow?
Ticket Lady: Very open. We've only sold 10 tickets.
Audrey: Okay, great. Well then we will just wait to buy our tickets then until our friends get here. 
According to this conversation with the ticket lady, we didn't need to buy our tickets early or even worry about buying them on time, even though a lot of people had mentioned on Facebook about some theaters being sold out. After our friends arrived and we bought our tickets and waited in line for concessions (we couldn't resist the sell of buttery popcorn even though it's not on our diets), we proceeded to walk into the theater only to see that the ticket lady was MORE than WAYYYYYY off on telling us they had only sold 10 tickets.... there was literally like 1 seat on each row that was still open. As we decided we were not gonna be able to sit together (as there was 4 of us) we saw 4 seats together on the VERY. FIRST. ROW. Yes, the row where you literally have to look straight up in order to see the screen and not in the cool iMax kind of way... in the your eyes cannot look at the whole screen at once kind of way...  
After facing the inevitable, the movie finally started and I was hooked from the very first scene! I think the coolest thing about this movie is that it's based on a true story. Not to mention the great love quotes that will be overly quoted in the next few weeks. 

 The movie starts with a couple who is madly in love and a tragic accident causes the wife to lose every memory she has of her husband. The movie basically follows the journey of the couple as they try to cope with their tragedy and figure out what the rest of their lives look like. All in all, it was well worth the $6 I paid for a movie ticket and well worth having to stare straight up to the screen. It made me want to journal every single detail of my life. (totally unrealistic-ha!) But in all honesty, I definitely started thinking about the fact that it is so important to make the most of every single day, because you or someone important to you may not remember or not be around to experience life with you tomorrow. It also reminded me that fairy tale loves really do exist in more than just storybooks. I have to admit, I cried just a little while watching. But I will definitely watch this again when it is on Netflix/Redbox. I leave you with a clip from the movie and then an interview with the couple the movie and book were based on. Beware that there may be spoilers for the story in the interview if you have yet to see it, but its worth watching for sure. 
ta-ta for now!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Friday Photobooth

'Tis a grey and groggy day hanging outside my window, but it in no way reflects my mood for the day! I have a to-do list the length of my arm and I refuse to let this nasty get me down! Thought I would stop by and show(&tell) a little bit of what has been happening in my life the last week.

Deci (Audrey and Q's oldest daughter) goes to school on Monday and Thursday mornings... so on occasion I will watch Journey (pictured with me above) while Audrey goes to pick Deci up from school. I did this on Monday and we had a mini photo shoot.

Since our guests left on Tuesday, I have been confined to my room/desk. Nick and Brandi Longshore came from Alabama to visit for a week and stayed in my room. I, of course, didn't do school work while they were here so that I could participate in the fun festivities that go along with having guests over. So since they have been gone, I have been nonstop trying to get my room back to normal, catching back up on school work, catching up on blog posts, knitting hats, etc.

And speaking of knitting hats.... these are the three I made this week. They are a part of a special order for my friend Karla who is having a baby girl soon! She lives in Maryland and I live in Oregon, so, I need to get these in the mail TODAY so they can travel across the country to her house! Thanks, Karla! 

That's literally ALL I have accomplished this week. I have not exercised one single time, but somehow I weigh less than I did when our guests came. Which is super weird because we ate out A LOT. I seriously need to work out today. Tonight is girls night, also! Audrey and I are going out to see "The Vow" tonight with some new friends! I will let you know how it is! Also, I have a job interview on Monday at my favorite froyo (frozen yogurt in the Northwest) place- Vanilla Jill's! So, please be praying about that! I hope you all have an awesome weekend!
I have a new page with grab buttons, as well! So, if you wanna swap buttons or just add mine to your site... head on over to the buttons&sponsor swap page!

I will leave you with the "Bible Verse of the Day" that is showing on my Android phone:

As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him.
-Psalms 103:13

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Exploring Oregon: Holleigh's Birthday Weekend

Holleigh Woodward, one of the people from our Crash team and one of my really great friends, had a birthday this weekend! Holleigh has a really fun time with her birthdays; she likes to celebrate the whole month! Okay, that is an exaggeration, but she does like to celebrate her "birthday week."

While Saturday wasn't technically a birthday celebration for Holleigh, we started the weekend at Spencer's Butte. We took a hike up Mt. Pisgah last weekend (blog post here.) and while that was beautiful, Spencer's Butte is a whole other kind of beautiful. Once you get to the top (okay, confession time... I did not go all the way to the top. I blame that on my grumpy troll mood that day) but even so, once you get above the tree line, you can look out and see the Three Sisters, Mt. Bachelor, and some other mountain that we were not sure the name of. It was the perfect sunny and clear day for a hiking trip like that, if you know anything about Oregon weather, you know how that goes. 

So Sunday was her actual birthDAY, yes... Super Bowl Sunday... but we pretty much left the day open to whatever she wanted to do and the day turned out to be one of my favorite days in Oregon so far, and with Nick and Brandi Longshore being in town this past week, the day was all the more fun! First we started the day at church. We have been attending University Fellowship in Eugene. It is definitely not Lifepoint, but it is a great church that we feel will have a vital role in the church plant we are planning for downtown. After church we went to eat at a place called the Beanery which is such a cool atmosphere. It's basically deli-style food with REALLY good coffee.

After lunch, we all met back up at our house and headed to a local vineyard/winery called Sweet Cheeks. The view from there was just gorgeous, and we were lucky to have another super sunny and warm day in FEBRUARY! 

Next stop, King Estate Vineyard/Winery. This place, I have to say, was probably more beautiful than Sweet Cheeks. The building looks just like a castle. 

Thanks to our friend Ethan Holub, we received the VIP treatment! Someone from the staff picked us up and took us to a semi-secluded part up on a hill where we could look out and see the whole vineyard. It was amazing! 

After this, we all came back to our house to play games and eat junk food! Of course the game Quelf had to be involved... and then a little late night 90's Trivia Pursuit. 

All in all, it was an awesome weekend. Birthday's away from home are hard (I imagine... I have yet to experience it.) This is Holleigh's second birthday since she has been in Oregon. Not being able to see your family on what you consider to be the best day of the year takes a toll on the spirit. I am so glad we were all here to celebrate her birthday and make it something special! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Missionary Friends Spotlight: Jake Kersh

Meet my friend Jake!
Jake lives around Birmingham, Alabama. I met Jake this past summer on Lifepoint's bi-annual Mexico mission trip. Let me just tell you that my friends Natasha Terrell and Jessica Bearden sat in the same van as him and Jamey Walton, who also joined our church for that trip, for about 15 hours wondering who these strange people were in the van with us. Haha! Eventually we started talking to each other and what an awesome week we all ended up having. I can honestly say that was my favorite Mexico trip so far. Jake is such an awesome servant of the Lord, and is an encouragement and inspiration to a lot of people, including myself. He fell in love with Mexico that trip, just like I knew he would... because who couldn't help falling in love with these faces? 
So, we go to Mexico and help a missionary family (Roy and Rebecca Busby) that is also from Alabama build a house (or 2) for a pre-selected family from the canal and other miscellaneous things they need help with while we are there. Rebecca and Roy bring many teams down to Reynosa, Mexico, to help people who are living in houses like this:

Get houses like this:

 Jake is taking time out of his summer coming up to head down to the canal to help Roy and Rebecca and then join our team from Lifepoint in July and head back to Alabama with the team. Below is an interview with Jake about his upcoming trip:

Q. What led you to go to Mexico the first time?
A. What led me to Mexico my first time? Hmm…My buddy Jamey Walton was told about a mission trip to Mexico by Ben Salter at work. I’ve been called to into the ministry (Missions) since I was bout 15-16 years old. So, when I had the opportunity to go on my first mission trip I was like, “LETT”S GOOOO!”

Q. What made you want to go back?
A. I believe everything happens for a reason and I do know that it was set before hand by Christ for me to go to Mexico. I think all the time on how many things had to happen to allow me to go. Things such as:
1. My buddy Jamey Walton becoming an electrican allowed him to get a job 10+ years in the future to meet Ben Salter who attends Lifepoint.
2. Ben Salter becoming a Christian and leading him into a friendship with Jamey Walton.
Just so many others to name. It’s awesome how God works and the chain of events he uses to get us to where HE wants us to be. But, I say that to say this…Christ wants…called me back to further relationships with the people of Reynosa, Mexico.

Q. Why are you going on the next trip?
A. What I’ve interpreted from consistent prayer and meditation (not hindu meditation ;D) that Christ wants me to further my relationship with the people, assist Roy and Rebecca (Main mission family there), and to follow God’s will in my life. Plus, why waste a summer doing pointless things when I can impact Christ over 1000 miles away. I live serving Christ by serving others.

Q. How long will you be staying?

A. I’ll be leaving May 31st and returning July 14 with the Lifepoint Group. It’s going to be off the hizzy.

Q. How much (estimate) are you looking to raise money-wise before you leave?
A. I hope this doesn’t come across as a “jerk-move” but, I don’t want to say because I believe that Christ will provide for his flock and by just stating the need for money all the money will be met perfectly. Christ works in mysterious ways. I’ve just seen so many AWESOME things happen all by the grace of God.

Q. What other needs do you have for the trip besides money?
A. Other needs? I’m a worry wart and I hate asking for stuff I’ll just say, “Whatever the Lord calls you to give!” I love seeing my needs provided for by God through allowing others to serve. I can live off basically nothing, but anything to give away to the people. It’s really nothing about my need but, what I can do for the people. Things such as bibles, tracks, devotionals, (all in Spanish of course..). THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!! All I want to do is make the TRUE Word of the Lord known to the people. 

Q. What will you be doing on this trip specifically?
A. I’ll be helping the Busby family with WHATEVER they need. I’ll be like a little gopher man and building my relationship and trust with the people. Since’ I feel led to do some full-time missions in Reynosa, Mexico…

Q. Contact info?
A. I have a bunch of ways. Everyone has a facebook and if not they are not human. Lol.
Twitter: @jakethelobster (I’m a pretty cool tweeter. ;D)

I’m reachable anytime. I can receive all three within hours or even within minutes. So if you think it’s too late in the night. I’ll most likely get it. :)

I hope you will join me in praying for Jake and the people of the Canal in Reynosa, Mexico. I pray that if the Lord is calling you to help Jake in any of the ways listed above, that you will be obedient to that and contact Jake from the info he provided or email me and The people in this colonia have a very special chunk of my heart and it means so much to me and Jake knowing that there are people praying for life change and basic needs in the area. Also be in prayer for Roy and Rebecca Busby as they continue their ministry on the Canal. Pray that the Lord gives them perseverance, and strength, and courage, words to speak when needed, and a smile on their face when words aren't necessary.  
If you want to read Jake's blog (which shows his passion for the mission field and Mexico) go here. Roy and Rebecca have a blog, also (here) with a great video of the Canal from when they first arrived in the colonia until today.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Exploring Oregon: Mt. Pisgah

I realize I have not blogged in like 2 weeks, a huge shock seeing as how I blogged every single day for a week or so. So, be prepared for the next few days because I have A LOT to blog about now :)

First things first... last week we went to a place in Eugene called Mt. Pisgah. It was a beautiful day in Eugene and we all really wanted to go hiking, but needed some place semi-simple for the girls (Deci and Journey) to be able to enjoy as well as us. Audrey had heard from our neighbors that Mt. Pisgah was a great place for kids and was a beautiful view. It was also one of the things that Audrey has on her Oregon "Bucket List" of things to do here. So we packed up and headed that way!

We started kind of late in the afternoon so as we hiked the sun coming through the trees made for some awesome pictures.
I swear, it was like we were in a fairy tale or something. The trails were gorgeous and the walk was very simple and relaxing. The farther we went up, the more we could see the countryside and mountains.

We did not go all the way to the top since it was late afternoon and the sun sets at like.... 4:30 here. But we did get to see the sun starting to set and go behind the mountains.
I loved hiking down this mountain and listening to the song "Great I Am" by New Life Worship. There is a lyric that says "The mountains shake before Him, the demons run and flee at the mention of the name King of Majesty." I just thought that song and lyric was so appropriate for the chance to really put in perspective how small we are compared to how big our God is. Amazing.